Friday's Feast on Saturday
I told DaltonGirl (who doesn't capitalize her name, but I do. Sorry - that's pretty presumptuous of me) that I was going to post once a week. And, nothing exciting or funny has happened to me this week. So, I went to AlisonWonderland's blog, and saw this. I hope it's entertaining. It's probably not. Sorry
Friday's Feast
Name something you would not want to own.
I never want to own a video gaming system that hooks up to the TV. My boys have GameBoys and a Nintendo DS, but, so far we've avoided an X-Box or a PlayStation. I think when we move into our new house, we'll get a wii, but the kids already know they will only be able to play it Fridays and Saturdays.
Why am I so opposed? I don't like the noise. I think they are addictive. I think that in many cases, they promote anti-social behavior. And, I think there is a lot of trash out there that parents don't understand (like those games where players get extra points for beating up the prostitute so they don't have to pay her for her services.)
Describe your hair (texture, color, length, etc.).
Long. Thin. Natural Blond. Long layers. Bangs. Some days it looks great, but many days it's in a ponytail or a clip.
Finish this sentence: I’ll never forget ___________.
I actually have a really bad memory. I can't think of what I'll never forget. Prom? My wedding day? Baby Junior... Okay, that's it. The one memory I have that isn't enhanced by photographs is my first day home with Baby Junior. I was totally psychotic. My mom was on a mission, so my mother-in-law came to help. I had read that you couldn't give the baby a bottle or he wouldn't nurse, and my milk hadn't come in and the baby cried all night long. I was so worried that my husband or my MIL would give him a bottle of sugar-water, so I took the baby into the laundry room (we had a tiny basement apartment) and cried and sang primary songs to him while baby Junior screamed all night long. There is actually a moral of the story. Everything turned out okay. Things that seem like a big deal at the time - not so much of a big deal in hindsight.
Main Course
Which famous person would you like to be for one day? Why?
I am actually pretty happy being me. So, maybe I'd chose to be a more fabulous me. Like 20 pounds lighter with a great outfit and no stress. And, perfect hair. And not-crooked eyebrows. But, I think that might get boring. So, maybe one day would be enough.
Write one sentence about yourself that includes one thing that is true and another thing that is not.
I never swear but I lie all the time. Actually, both of those things are half-truths. I have been known to swear (little ones) usually because it's funny or because I'm frustrated. And, I do lie, but only sometimes, and not the big ones. Let me try again...
I can't speak any foreign languages and I am bad at math.
So. There. That's all I've got for now.